Hey everyone, welcome to my first blog post!

september 07, 2024

1 Min Read

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I’d like to introduce myself properly: My name is Saeed, and I’m a front-end developer with roughly three years of experience. I created this website to share a wide range of topics with you from technology and programming to food, sports, and anything in between. While a majority of my posts will revolve around programming, particularly front-end development, I'll also be covering various other topics that I find fascinating.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the technologies I work with! I primarily use React.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript, which I absolutely love 🥰. There are a few other frameworks and libraries in my toolbelt, but those are the main ones. As you keep visiting my blog, you'll gradually get to know more about me.

I also want to let you know that I'll be continuously improving my website. You may notice that we don't have a comment section just yet 😁, but feel free to reach out through the Crisp button if you have any thoughts or suggestions. I would love to hear from you! I hope you enjoy exploring my website and find the content helpful. That's all for now. See you in the next post! 👋😎

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Saeed Niyabati

I've been programming for over 5 years. My professional career started 4 years ago as a web developer. I am a front-end web developer with Backbone/React/NEXT.JS/Mui/TypeScript experience for frontend development.

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